Bid Day 2020

Our Sororities

找到你永远的朋友,培养你的领导能力,投身于服务工作, all while making memories that will last a lifetime.

axo bid day

Alpha Chi Omega



Alpha Chi Omega是一个全国性的妇女组织,丰富了两者的生活 它的大学和校友成员通过一生的友谊机会, leadership, learning, and service. 


正如《九州娱乐官网》所述,Alpha Chi Omega的目的是“鼓励 真正的姐妹精神,通过个人的努力培养出高尚的道德和精神 标准,并促进其成员对美术的欣赏和实践.” 从东海岸到西海岸,共有131个分会,拥有近1.2万名大学成员 回馈社区,养成终身学习的习惯,结交朋友 that will last a lifetime.

Alpha Chi Omega的成员是九州娱乐官网,领导者,并致力于为他人服务. They 参加体育运动,组织和领导许多俱乐部,并且是学术成员 honor societies. 在一起,阿尔法-奇-欧米加的成员是由姐妹情谊. 姐妹会的活动有秋天的静修,冬天的正式活动和春天的正式活动,数不胜数 与联谊会生活和校园里的其他各种组织合作的社交活动, movie nights, dinners, and many other sisterhood activities. 

Domestic violence is both a national and a worldwide crisis. The consequences of domestic violence can cross generations and truly last a lifetime.

Domestic Violence Awareness

Alpha Chi Omega’s national philanthropy is Domestic Violence Awareness. 

10月是全国意识月,这是我们意识最活跃的时候 and support of victims. Our chapter works hard to inform people of the often silenced violence that takes place so close to home. Awareness is key when it comes to Domestic 暴力,这就是为什么我们参与了一些努力,用我们的声音为被沉默的人说话.

During October, we “Purple Out” 用装饰、彩带和标语吸引人们前来询问. This is a great 这是我们传播信息的方式,给人们每天的提醒,就像走路一样 the campus. 在过去,我们也有需要制作的招聘活动 为妇女和儿童提供洗漱用品和急救材料的护理包.

We also hold an annual Casino Night to raise money for the cause. Our Casino Night is a black-tie event, in which the sisters put together a mock casino. There are standard card games, a roulette table, cash bar, and poker chips by the cup! Our loving chapter sweethearts are the perfect 先生经营这些桌子,而我们的姐妹们卖筹码,抽奖券,当助手 guests, and man the silent auction. Our silent auction is an arrangement of many baskets all donated or sister created that are bid on. Highest bid gets the baskets and all the money goes to our cause. Each basket has a theme and many contain donations from the wonderful businesses in our very own Chestertown!

所有慈善募捐的钱都交给了中岸委员会. MSCFV creates 通过干预打破家庭暴力循环的健康机会 通过为受害者提供庇护、咨询、服务和宣传来预防 and abusers.

在春天,我们试图举办意识活动来提醒人们这种情况的发生 year round, not just in October!! This spring, we are looking to join Soroptomists 为受家庭暴力影响的人举行赋权演讲和守夜活动. 我们还致力于将自卫讲习班引入校园!

虽然不是我们国家慈善事业的一部分,阿尔法智欧米茄喜欢服务 other needs in our community. To achieve this, we spend many hours at the local Humane Society volunteering. We also partake in adopting a highway for highway cleanup to better our environment. Lastly, our other major event in Cinderella’s Closet (也被称为礼服赠送),我们收集新的或轻微穿过的衣服和 捐赠给当地一所高中的礼服,给买不起自己衣服的学生. There 真的没有什么比在更衣室里穿这些衣服更暖心的了吗 让美丽的女士们有机会度过一个神奇的夜晚 fondly look back on. 

如果您想了解更多九州娱乐官网慈善事业的信息,请查看 The Mid-Shore Council for Family Violence website.

International History

Alpha Chi Omega于1885年10月15日在格林堡的德堡大学成立, Indiana. 它位于我们目前位于印第安纳波利斯的总部西南约70英里处.

当美国人已经习惯了女性属于大学的观念时 德堡音乐学院院长詹姆斯·汉密尔顿·豪教授受邀出席 他的七位女学生在学校内部组成了一个妇女社团.

我们的创始人进一步采纳了豪教授的建议,成立了一所女子学校 fraternity, only the sixth of its kind in the country. They were the first such group in the music school and believed they’d be the last. So they chose as their name the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet—Alpha and Omega. They put the word “Kai” (和)在中间,后来改为希腊字母Chi.

我们的创始人希望Alpha Chi Omega能够促进“智力,社会和道德” culture” of its members. It worked. Today, our women’s Fraternity, the Alpha Chi Omega 基金会和我们的全国住房公司为20多万名会员提供服务 全国有130多个大学分会和200多个校友分会.


  • Anna Allen
  • Olive Burnett
  • Bertha Deniston
  • Amy DuBois
  • Nellie Gamble
  • Bessie Grooms
  • Estelle Leonard

Other Chapters in Maryland

Gamma Theta Chapter - University of Maryland


AOII leadership posing for a picture

Alpha Omnicron Pi


Inspire Ambition.

阿尔法欧米克隆派充满了许多强壮,聪明,有创造力,运动,有趣,和 unique individuals. Together, we have a special bond with one another, making our sisterhood one of a kind. At Washington College, we encourage one another to strive to be our best, while always being each other’s support. 

AOII的慈善事业是关节炎研究,姐妹们为此付出了很多努力 in raising money through various activities. In the September we have Blue Week, in 我们用蓝色装饰校园来识别关节炎. We continue the 每周举办不同的活动,为青少年关节炎教育筹款 & research, 比如,Chick-fil-a午餐促销,关节运动瑜伽,制作康复卡 孩子们,棒棒糖抽奖,脸上的AO Pi,以及三振关节炎活动. Also, we 举办一年一度的姐妹周末静修活动,让姐妹们建立感情、做手工、放松身心 lake!

Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the USA. More than 350 million 患有关节炎的人在日常生活中有严重的功能限制. 

Arthritis Awareness

Alpha Omicron Pi’s international philanthropy is Arthritis Research and the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation.

骨关节炎,类风湿性关节炎,纤维肌痛,狼疮和骨质疏松症 几种不同类型的关节炎及相关病症都比较普遍 in women. “关节炎”一词涵盖了100多种疾病和状况 影响关节,周围组织和其他结缔组织. This disease is the nation’s leading cause of disability. Since 1967, over 1.5 million AOII 's筹集了$,并通过基金会捐赠,以支持 mission of conquering arthritis once and for all!

关节炎影响了近7000万美国成年人,其中4100万是成年人 are women and 300,000 are children. During 2017-2019, AOII Chapters and members raised 175万美元捐给关节炎基金会用于研究和教育!

西格玛Tau每年都会通过我们的“派在脸上”筹款活动为关节炎筹集资金, Spike Out Arthritis events, and Blue Week!

如果您想了解更多九州娱乐官网慈善事业的信息,请查看 Arthritis Foundation website.

Queen of the Roses 5K

贾斯敏·朵拉·奎恩是一位了不起的姐姐,她于2008年8月去世. She is missed greatly by every member of our chapter. The Sigma Tau Chapter decided to honor Jasmine 通过AOII基金会以她的名义授予奖学金.

我们被告知必须在5年内筹集2万美元才能提供奖学金. The 玫瑰女王五公里赛跑的诞生是为了为这项奖学金筹集资金. In the first 今年,我们举办了一场精彩的活动,筹集了12,000美元的善款 with the help of the Washington College community. The Queen of the Roses 5K was a great success and a lot of fun! The event was even featured in our international magazine, To Dragma!

今年秋天,我们将与贾斯敏的家人一起举办校友午宴,以纪念贾斯敏 and to help raise money for the Jasmine Queen scholarship. In the Spring, we will 为社区和九州娱乐官网的学生举办了一场国旗橄榄球比赛 and faculty to come play. The proceeds of the event will go towards the Jasmine Queen scholarship. 

International History

阿尔法欧米克隆派是一个国际兄弟会由全国泛希腊承认 Council. 它于1897年1月2日在巴纳德学院由四位女性创立, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman and Stella George Stern Perry,决心建立一个社会,这使他们保持终身的友谊. 在他们的决心和奉献下,第一章Alpha成立了.

今天,阿尔法欧米克隆派是一个国际女子兄弟会,有189名大学生 chapters and 320 alumnae chapters in Canada and the U.S.A. Its international headquarters 它位于田纳西州的布伦特伍德,是全国泛希腊协会的成员之一 是由26个女性兄弟会成员组成的管理委员会 sororities.

The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support the best interest 学院和大学的分会安装,并没有办法 为了声望或晋升而忽视、损害或牺牲这些利益 of the Fraternity or any of its chapters.

Chapter History

九州娱乐官网的西格玛头分会于1938年5月14日被特许成立,因此成为 the second NPC group on campus. 26 charter members were initiated by International President, Mary Dee Danielson Drummond (Alpha Phi).

成立11年后,西格玛Tau获得了杰西华莱士休根杯, which honors the top collegiate chapter for two years. We are also proud to claim Sally Wagaman (Sigma Tau), 2003-2005年担任AOII国际主席. 

Other Chapters in Maryland

  • Theta Beta - Towson University
  • Pi Delta - University of Maryland
ZTA grads standing on bridge wearing stole

Zeta Tau Alpha


Seek the Noblest.

ζ Tau Alpha的Gamma Beta分会致力于加强友谊,培养 爱的精神,让五十个成员的生活有所不同,并教导他们 the nobility of serving.

Seek the Noblest

The Zeta Tau Alpha at Washington College prides itself in our strong sisterhood. A day never goes by 没有和至少一个姐妹友好地交谈过. Our 姐妹情谊超越了我们每周的分会会议,我们总是花费 time together simply because we genuinely love one another. Our sisterhood sets us 分开是因为我们彼此支持,不仅作为学生,而且作为人. We want 我们所有的姐妹都要做最好的自己,我们都互相帮助 meet those goals. 此外,我们的许多姐妹都参加了各种各样的组织, 体育运动,以及校园内的俱乐部,这些都表明了ZTA是如何喜欢与它的学生保持联系的 school community.

ZTA的姐妹之情不仅仅止于活动,ZTA的姐妹们是如此 以友谊、传统和服务为纽带,使每个人都能成长 world and campus a better place. While partnered with the NFL, Bright Pink, and the 美国癌症协会,伽马贝塔的服务并不止于此.

Sisters participate in community events, volunteering at charities; helping with blood drives as well as other service events. The sisters of ZTA encourage you to take a 在九州娱乐官网网站上查看他们的网站链接,并在我们的 留言板,让我们与你分享我们对WAC和ZTA的爱.

Katie Opielski- President/ RISK chair
Kaitlin Osucha- Historian/ Panhellenic delegate
Faith Poulton- VPI/ Treasurer
Tori Baker- Ritual/ Director of sisterhood
Riley Johnson- Academic Achievement/ Secretary
Emily Marik- VPII/ VPIII

每年有八分之一的女性被诊断出患有乳腺癌. The Gamma Beta 九州娱乐官网的分会试图通过举办各种各样的活动来解决这个问题 全年的活动,旨在提高这方面的认识和教育 devastating disease.

Breast Cancer Awareness and Education

Zeta Tau Alpha’s national philanthropy is Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.

在这一年中,ZTA非常努力地传播我们的慈善事业 to the community. 

我们与美国癌症协会、Bright Pink和NFL合作 our philanthropic goals. To raise awareness we have one big philanthropy event per semester, these big events typically raise $2,000-$3,000 each. In the fall we have 每年都有不同的活动,比如才艺表演或五公里赛跑,春天我们有 我们的ZTA嘉年华里面有抽奖、游戏等活动. With each of the 我们在活动之前有一个Pink Out周,这需要在霍德森吃饭 每天出售各种物品来筹集额外的资金. Pink Out 本周还包括用粉红色装饰校园,让每个人都为我们的活动感到兴奋! Over the past two years alone we have raised: $17,045.93

International History

Zeta Tau Alpha成立于1898年10月15日,由九位女性在国家女性 Normal School in Farmville, Virginia. Only 14-15 years of age, these young women desired 他们的友谊是永恒的,并希望他们的姐妹情谊能长久延续下去 college. 虽然致力于形成一个希腊字母组,她的眼镜 band of nine delayed selecting a formal name. A temporary name of “???” was taken 据传说,当时另一个团体的成员与开国元勋们会面. Raising her 她皱起眉头,把手指划成问号的形状,问道:“你是谁? you?” In unison, the group answered “Yes, who? Who? Who? Thus, the group came to be known as “???” while they sought an appropriate Greek name and symbols.

在此期间,该小组得到了两位成员的宝贵帮助。 莫德的兄弟普卢默·琼斯和弗朗西丝·扬西·史密斯的兄弟贾尔斯·梅贝恩 Smith. 两人都是威廉玛丽学院的学生,都是男子联谊会的成员 letter organizations, and knowledgeable of Greek lore. After a year of careful contemplation, 这个小组选择了正式的名字、守护神和徽章.


  • Maud Jones Horner, Died 1920
  • Della Lewis Hundley, Died July 12, 1951
  • Alice Bland Coleman, Died June 11, 1956
  • Mary Jones Batte, Died December 3, 1957
  • Alice Grey Welsh, Died June 21, 1960
  • Ethel Coleman, Died January 24, 1964
  • Helen M. Crafford, Died September 17, 1964
  • Frances Yancey Smith, Died April 23, 1977
  • Ruby Leigh Orgain, Died October 22, 1984

Chapter History

  • 我们的ζ Tau Alpha分会,Gamma Beta,成立于1938年4月30日,是 first chapter chartered in Maryland.
  • Gamma Beta is the 75th link in the national chain of chapters.
  • Our chapter is extremely diverse. You can find a ZTA on the swim team or on the volleyball 在法庭上,在实验室里,在舞台上,成为一名RA或者是俱乐部的主席,成为一名 Peer Mentor, or dancing in a performance. In fact, Zetas have been heavily involved in the past two Birthday Ball productions here at WC!


Chapter Award for Academic Excellence (2023)

Emerging Leader Award (2023)  Katie Opielski

Greek Woman of the Year (2023) Delaney Runge

Living the Ritual Award (2023) Paige Dauplaise

Outstanding Diversity, Social Justice, &

Inclusion Award (2023) Jordan Hyde

President of the Year (2023) Delaney Runge

兄弟会/泛希腊理事会奖:女生联谊会GPA最高奖 (2023)

Crown Chapter Award (ZTA) (2022)

Other Chapters in our Province

  • Theta Delta - Salisbury University
  • Iota Omega - University of Maryland
  • Iota Delta - Towson University